Trailside Point Block Watch

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mass Email Issues

A mass email was sent out to Trailside Point residents on August 15th in which some of the intended recipients did not receive. We are still working through some of technical issues of handling such a large distribution list. If you did not receive this email and believe that you should have, you can see a copy of it here:

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

City Council Election Debate - Friday (8/10), 7 PM, Trailside Elementary

From Dave King:

The Block Watch will be hosting a City Council District 7 candidate debate this Friday at 7pm at Trailside Elementary. Obviously, the debate will be focused on public safety. If you would like, reply to with a question that you would like the candidates to answer. Several questions have already been developed, but your additional input is valuable. No guarantee that yours will be asked, but it's good to have the candidates hear residents' real concerns.