Trailside Point Block Watch

Friday, May 20, 2011

Block Watch Meeting Changed to Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm

The scheduled Trailside Point Block Watch meeting date has been changed to Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm. It will be held in the library at Trailside Point Elementary School. This change was due to a scheduling conflict with our special guest Officer Centenius Billingslea. Please adjust your calendars to accommodate this change.

Our block watch is supported 100% by volunteers who work hard to observe, report, and ultimately prevent crimes within our neighborhood. However, our success is highly dependent upon the number of people that actively participate in the block watch. Please consider coming to our quarterly meetings or volunteering for our neighborhood patrols. At the very least, please get to know your neighbors and be observant of what's going on around your part of the neighborhood. If you witness ANY crime in progress, please call 911 to report it immediately. For non-emergencies or to report a crime after-the-fact, please call Crime Stop at 602-262-6151.