Trailside Point Block Watch

Monday, February 11, 2008

Block Watch Meeting / Recent Crime Reports

1. Block Watch Meeting – The Block Watch meets every on the second Tuesday of each month. This month’s meeting is Tuesday, Feb 12, 7pm-8:30pm at 7125 S 68th Ave, which is in Kensington 2 area. The meeting agenda is linked below, some items include:

a. Block Captain discussion
b. Development of Block Watch governing documents
c. Security cameras
d. Trailside Point Elementary school
e. Patrolling / Graffiti report

2. Recent Crime reports –

a. Saturday, from Mesquite Manor 1 - Two black females in their teens attempted to either damage or break down the front door. They ran off into Bridle Crossing 1. Police arrived within 10 minutes and took a report. The home owner had no idea of the kids’ reasons or intentions. The home owner also mentioned they were going to buy a security screen door.

Note: Just in case you forgot, the Trailside Point Block Watch offers its resident’s a 12% discount on all security doors at Lowe’s on 75th/McDowell. (Follow link below for more information.)

b. Friday, from Equestrian Estates – Attempted car theft at 1:20 in the afternoon. After hearing glass shatter in the driveway the home owner ran outside and chased the perpetrator, but lost them. Police were called and a helicopter was dispatched, but no one was caught.

Follow this link to obtain attachments related to the meeting agenda and security door discount: