Trailside Point Block Watch

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Notice of Elections - Trailside Point Block Watch Board Members

From now through the month of April, the Trailside Point Block Watch will be holding new elections for key positions in the organization. The purpose of this Notice of Election is to solicit candidates for the election. This is an excellent opportunity for you to become more involved in the direction of our community and specifically its safety and security. Listed below are the positions with brief descriptions for each. All positions will be part of the Block Watch Board of Directors; which, after being elected will lead the Block Watch. The term is for one year. You must be 18 years of age and live in Trailside Point to be elected (as well as to vote).

A. Manager: Chief administrative officer of the Block Watch who, among other duties, will be responsible to schedule and run all meetings, prepare an agenda for meetings with the assistance of the Secretary, act as Block Watch liaison with the HOA and other groups and organizations in the community.

B. Secretary: Primary responsibility is to record, publish and maintain all records of Block Watch meetings.

C. Treasurer: Primary responsibility is to keep account of Block Watch funds and provide oversight in the development of any grant funds for the Block Watch.

D. Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol Rep (PNP): This unique position requires certain qualifications be met as required by the City of Phoenix Police Department (this is the only position with any specific job requirements).

E. At Large Board Members (3 seats available): Sit on the Board of Directors and participate in policy and administrative decision making.

We will go over the positions, the election process, and answer any questions at our next meeting on March 10th. If you are interested in nominating yourself for a position, please send an email and provide your name, address, telephone number, and position of interest. Nominations will remain open through April 1st. As part of announcing your candidacy you may provide a ~200 word statement about your qualifications, goals, thoughts and so forth about yourself for voters to read. The candidates will then be announced at the following Block Watch meeting on April 14th. Voting will then take place online starting April 16th through April 30th. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to send an email.

Thanks for your interest, and good luck!!!